


Clients want (1) high content with (2) a positive business message to accompany (3) a dynamic presentation. Nothing delivers all three better than Ed Brodow's negotiation keynote. When you book Ed as your Keynote Speaker—LIVE or VIRTUALyou are ensuring that your audience will be in the right frame of mind to maximize their experience of your meeting or convention. Your audience will be:


  • Inspired by Ed's practical content and helpful ideas -- derived from his vast business experience and complemented by his standing as negotiation expert, television personality, and author of popular books, videos, and articles.
  • Charmed by Ed's charismatic stage presence, unforgettable stories, and infectious humor -- derived from his colorful show business background.
  • Impressed with Ed's extensive customization -- he cares enough to do his homework about your group and your industry.


"It was wonderful working with a speaker who cares enough to research your group so that his keynote has that personal touch. The reviews are all great!"
Banks of North Dakota

Contact Ed about Keynote Presentation

Ed Brodow giving a presentation on negotiation  in Brazil

Have speech, will travel—LIVE or VIRTUAL 

Let's Make a Deal

This keynote is full of practical strategies for winning the cooperation of others to get the things you need. Audiences of all ages and competencies relate to this topic because in today's fast-paced business climate, the ability to negotiate can make the difference between success and failure. That's why Ed Brodow's entertaining and informative negotiation keynote is always SRO: Standing Room Only. His message is that you can overcome any economic challenge and outpace your competition by utilizing core negotiation strategies, such as aiming high, challenging everything, questioning negative assumptions, improving listening skills, getting something in return for your concessions, and being willing to walk away. Clients love how Ed relates his talk to their unique issues. Ed's high energy, humorous anecdotes, and useful ideas will create an upbeat rhythm for your meeting or convention.

"Thank you for delivering an outstanding opening keynote. You really set the tone for the conference with your energy and enthusiasm, and the way you connected with the audience. In fact Ed, you were rated the best out of our eight speakers. I think every person at the conference would be happy to act as a reference for you."
Turnaround Management Association

Sales Negotiation: More Is Better

When it comes to the selling price for your product or service, more is definitely better. In fact, closing the sale means nothing if the deal is not profitable. Ed Brodow draws on his sales negotiation experience to show your sales force how to create satisfied customers at higher prices. According to Ed, the most satisfied customers are the ones who pay top dollar because they appreciate the value of their investment. Successful sales negotiators exude confidence, focus on perceived value, and aren't afraid to say "no." Your sales force will stop discounting after they hear Ed's entertaining, real-life stories about how to turn customer price objections into value-based sales. The mantra for the rest of your sales meeting will be "More Is Better!"

The Human's Guide to Win-Win Negotiating

Chimpanzees are hostile. Bonobos make love. Which are you? Using the unusual metaphor of our closest relations, primates, Ed Brodow's entertaining program proves that success happens when you treat other people as partners. The differing behaviors of chimps (adversarial) and bonobos (cooperative) remind us that win-win collaboration works best. Trust develops when you acknowledge the other side's perspective and explore options for mutual satisfaction. According to Ed's bestselling book, Negotiation Boot Camp: "If both sides feel satisfied, everything is possible."  Your audience will love it when Ed challenges them to decide: "Are you a chimp or are you a bonobo?"

"We had two objectives: (a) laying out a framework for negotiating effectively; (b) bringing fun and unique illustrations to really bring forth the steps in the framework. Ed did both very effectively. He is a very bright and interesting person with intellectual breadth that is rare."

Critical Thinking

When more than 400 senior HR professionals were asked to name the most important skill their employees will need in the next five years, critical thinking ranked the highest. In this exciting new keynote, negotiation expert Ed Brodow explains how your organization can import critical thinking to improve all areas of the organization. Benefits of critical thinking: it helps maintain effective leadership, promotes creativity, improves team performance, and enables people of diverse backgrounds to work together. Critical thinking forces managers and employees to look at a situation and weigh all possible solutions before coming up with a final answer.

Optimism Is Everything

In this inspirational keynote, Ed Brodow draws on time-tested principles of negotiation to prove that the only guaranteed way to be successful is to expect to succeed. "Successful negotiators are optimists," he wrote in his bestselling book, Negotiation Boot Camp. For two decades, Ed's Fortune 500 clients have learned the five pillars of optimism: aiming high, maintaining Negotiation Consciousness, exuding the Confidence Mystique, carrying on an affectionate inner dialogue, and being willing to walk away. Companies that make it to the top are led by optimists who expect to out-do the competition and grow the business in spite of economic setbacks and other factors that have nothing to do with getting the job done. But optimism is an individual responsibility. You have to negotiate with yourself. Nobody will do it for you. “Perpetual optimism,” said Colin Powell, “is a force multiplier."

Ed Brodow Keynote speaker for beating the success trap

Life Balance

Ed Brodow debunks the myths of success as he shows your audience how to negotiate a more personally fulfilling life. Based on his critically acclaimed book, Beating the Success Trap, Ed argues that balancing the competing aspects of your life is more important than money, fame, status, and power. With insight, humor, and self-revelation, he challenges our toxic definition of success: Instead of envying people who have more money or fame, create a balanced lifestyle that fits your own temperament and preferences. In this increasingly complicated world, success is the result of taking risks, maintaining a sense of balance, and appreciating the contribution you make to others. Your audience will walk away feeling more excited about their jobs and their lives.


Negotiation Boot Camp® is Ed Brodow's fully-customized negotiation seminar that includes role-playing exercises written exclusively for your group. For more than two decades, Negotiation Boot Camp® has set the standard for "how to make a deal" in Corporate America.

Negotiation Boot Camp® is built around customized, interactive role-playing case studies – supported by lecture, discussion, and entertaining video clips. Content ranges from the traditional concepts of hardball negotiating to cutting-edge material that includes The Three Rules for Win-Win Negotiating and techniques for communicating constructively. In Ed Brodow's negotiation seminars the strategies and tactics are practical and real world: participants are able to use them immediately to improve assertiveness, listening skills, problem-solving, and the ability to reach profitable agreements.

Customization: Not Just Another Negotiation Seminar

The main selling point of Negotiation Boot Camp® is the extensive customization. This means that your group's negotiation seminar will be truly one of a kind. Ed will spend many hours interviewing your participants to learn how they negotiate. He will write role-playing exercises specifically for your group. These in-depth case studies incorporate your real-life negotiations, including: your product/service specifications; your pricing; your customers and suppliers; your competitors; and your industry buzz words. Participants develop their negotiation skills by interacting with one another in the identical situations they encounter on the job.

Topics included in Negotiation Boot Camp®:
  • The ten traits of successful negotiators 
  • Getting others to give you what you want and thank you for it  
  • Convincing a hostile opponent to work with you instead of against you  
  • Preparing for your next negotiation  
  • How to set winning goals 
  • Recognizing negotiation tricks and tactics before it's too late 
  • The Three Rules for Win-Win Negotiating 
  • Making concessions smartly  
  • The Columbo Method for finding out what the other negotiator is thinking 
  • Overcoming intimidation and emotional obstacles  
  • Selling your products/services at higher prices  
  • Negotiating with a sole source  
  • Communicating your ideas constructively  
  • Dealing with anger 
  • Distinguishing real issues from entrenched positions  
  • Individual and team strategies  
  • Understanding the psychology of the buyer and the seller 

Contact Ed about Seminars

participants in a negotiation seminar
"Negotiation Boot Camp® produced the best overall participant ratings we have had for any of our development programs."



Ed Brodow is available for individual executive coaching on negotiation, success, presentation skills, assertiveness, and general business issues.Contact Ed for more information.

Consulting Services

Ed Brodow is negotiating consultant to some of the world's most prominent companies. He is available to consult on your negotiation and management issues. He can help you find successful solutions via:
  • Providing an objective view of your situation. As an outsider, Ed can bring fresh insights to the table. He has developed an uncanny ability for analyzing his clients' problems and isolating the core issues.
  • Helping you to identify and evaluate potential solutions. Ed will show you how to unleash your creativity, plus contribute his own eminently practical ideas.
  • Recommending and implementing a plan of action. Ed will point out the appropriate alternative and show you how to get there.
His areas of expertise include:
  • Sales and purchasing strategies
  • Management strategies
  • Contract negotiations
  • Legal conflicts
  • Employment negotiations
  • International negotiations
Contact Ed Brodow for more information about coaching and consulting services.
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