Boot Camp is the bestselling business classic by Ed Brodow based on his acclaimed presentations that—for more than two decades—have set the standard for “how to make a deal” in Corporate America. In Negotiation Boot Camp, sellers learn how to create satisfied customers at higher prices, buyers learn how to make better deals with vendors, and executives learn how to resolve conflict. The strategies and tactics in Negotiation Boot Camp are practical and real-world—readers are able to use them immediately to improve assertiveness, listening skills, problem-solving, and the ability to reach profitable agreements.
What you will learn in Negotiation Boot Camp:
- The ten traits of successful negotiators
- Getting others to give you what you want and thank you for it
- Convincing a hostile opponent to work with you instead of against you
- Preparing for your next negotiation
- How to set winning goals
- Recognizing negotiation tricks and tactics before it's too late
- The Three Rules for Win-Win Negotiating
- Making concessions smartly
- The Columbo Method for finding out what the other negotiator is thinking
- Overcoming intimidation and emotional obstacles
- Selling your products/services at higher prices
- Negotiating with a sole source
- Communicating your ideas constructively
- How to be a good listener
- Dealing with anger
- Distinguishing real issues from entrenched positions
- Individual and team strategies
- Understanding the psychology of the buyer and the seller
- Negotiation techniques for managing employees
- Items you never thought were negotiable
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For information on Ed Brodow's presentations, go to www.brodow.com
Negotiation Boot Camp® is a registered Service Mark of Ed
Brodow. Copyright © 2001- Ed Brodow. All rights reserved.